“The Master’s Book, is among the best summaries of Masonic teachings on leadership available. Despite being written many years ago, it puts the role of the leader of a lodge into the context of expectations and practicalities. Themes include dignity and harmony, as well as humility vs. arrogance. The book highlights the preparation needed to move to the East, the powers, duties and laws affecting the top job, the “art of presiding,” ideas for interesting meetings, the essential recipe for getting others involved, why masters should concern themselves with such matters as lodge finances, and an ideal description of how a Masonic year in the East should turn out.“Happy the Master who lays down his gavel at the end of his year, knowing he has done all that in him lies; mortal man may do no more.” Published by The Temple Publishers
1. Preparing to be Master
2. Powers of a Master
3. Duties of a Master
4. Masonic Law for a Master
5. The Art of Presiding
6. Entertainment and Attendance
7. “Set the Craft to Labor”
8. Secretaries, Wardens, Past Masters
9. Lodge Finances
Description written by worthpoint website.