The late Elbert Bede spent a lifetime devoted to Masonic ideals and purposes in bring inspiration to his Masonic brethren. He's especially desirous of reaching the newly raised Master Mason, always urging his older brethren of the need to capture the enthusiasm of the young Mason and not let such die from lack of instruction, association, or indifference on the part of the officers and members. This book gives a rise to such thoughts in Five Fifteen minute talks. ISBN 9780880530422 Brother Bede was popular speaker at many lodges. He was a Past Master, Past Venerable Master of Kadosh, and was given the 33 degree in the Scottish Rite, a Past Eminent Commander of Knights Templar and Editor of the Oregon Mason for many years. Hear his talks in this book and use for yourself and your lodge. Consider it a gift from Brother Bede himself. A Macoy Published Book

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