Review by: Ohio Beacon Vol. 22, Issue 1, Winter 2015
The book provides insight into some of the principles that are fundamental to the health and prosperity of a Masonic Lodge.
�The Craft Driven Lodge approach allows brothers to identify their particular interests, their particular resources, and empowers them to create a Lodge experience that is to their liking without being tied to any particular set of actions, ceremonies, or even fundamental beliefs beyond those universal to Speculative Freemasonry across the globe,� explains Hrinko in his book.
Hrinko�s forty plus years of experience in the Masonic fraternity coupled with his professional experience as a psychologist makes this book a worthwhile read for any Freemason with a desire to get the most out of his lodge experience.

Amazingly insightful and practical guide to restoring life and vibrancy
An exceptionally well-written book, which Illustrates overcoming the typical resistances to lodge renewal. Dan holds a Phd in Psychology and has deep insights into human nature and organizational structure /behavior. It is very inspiring and uplifting to read. This book reflects the amazing energy and success of his home lodge.
I have ordered many items for myself, my son and my Lodge. Each and every item was promptly filled, shipped and received in good condition and exactly what I ordered. Engraving was right on the money! I would proudly order Masonic and Eastern Star paraphernalia from Macoy's again.
Well worth reading!
There seems to be a turning point in consciousness within the Institution of Freemasonry. With the open mindedness of both younger and older individuals alike, Masonry is regaining its real purpose as a modern extension of the ancient mystery schools. While still conforming to the rules of Grand Lodge, this book explores new ways in which Lodges can be operated in a way that reduces dull business and promotes more time for learning about the things that actually make Masonry interesting. If you want to learn how you can do that, give this book a read. I highly recommend it.
Craft Driven Lodge
This is an excellent book. I found it well written and the information contained to be enlightening. If you want to make your Lodge experience more fulfilling this is THE book! If you want to breath new life into your Lodge, implement these ideas or build on them to suit your Lodge! I highly recommend this book, it should be required reading for all Lodge officers and brethren!