Only complete the chapter/lodge information if you buy the Nameplate please.
Master Mason Candidate Bible. This Masonic Candidate Bible can be adorned with a lasertech nameplate with your lodge name and number. It has space for all the Blue Lodge Officers and brothers to sign it. A great way to begin the journey. Special Masonic features: Blue Lodge, York Rite and Consistory pages; Progressive Steps of Freemasonry; Questions and Answers; Biblical Index to Freemasonry; Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible King James Version; Dictionary and Concordance. A 50 page Biblical index to Freemasonry includes King Solomon's Temple. The Mason is guided by chapter and verse to landmarks of the craft. Blue leather flex cover, gold edges, gold embossed binding. 5-1/4 x 7-5/8 x 1.
Average rating 9 out of 10
( based on 4
reviews )

Very very nice Bible
This is a very nice Bible I received one with Warren Lodge embossed on the front in 2019. The commentary explanatorial info is well done and quite helpful. I am seriously considering buying another copy having my name embossed on it. It's just so nicely done.
The Good Book
I found that this bible is at a fair price. One of the lodges within out district presents this size when a brother is raised. When I was raised, I received the large "altar" bible. I had been looking for a smaller more portable one to keep in my briefcase, and this one filled the bill. Now I can protect my big one with all the signatures in it in a safe place. I dont have to worry about damaging it and it can remain pristine for my family to have once I have passed away. Marvin
My Bible was received WITHOUT a Blue Marker Strip installed. This I found very unusual. I was able to HOT GLUE one in place and it is working very well. QUESTION: DO ALL YOU CANDIDATE NEW BIBLES COME WITHOUT THIS STRIP? IT IS VERY UNUSUAL FOR A BIBLE TO DO SO !
I bought mine in 2003 and still very nice, easy to read not real bad "bleed through, its good paper, easy on the eyes to read