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Only complete the chapter/lodge information if you buy the Nameplate please.
Biblical Index to Freemasonry giving references by Book, Chapter & Verse to phrases, character, events and places associated with the ritual and teachings of Freemasonry. Questions and answers relating to the history and work from the 1 to the 33. King Solomon’s Temple, Tabernacle of Moses. Records for Masonic, Scottish Rite and OES. Masonic Presidents. Color plates. Easy to read type. Blue padded cover with S&C in gold on front. 11-3/4 x 9-1/4 x 2-1/2 inches.
Average rating 10 out of 10
( based on 1
review )

Great Family/Masonic Bible
I received this Bible on the night I was raised to the Sublime Degree. It is a big bible (the print isn't large print) and is great. The first two dozen pages or so are dedicated to the fraternity and provide a lot of great information. Provides spaces to write in important dates (when your went through your degrees, dates if you choose to join the York or Scottish Rite, etc.) Would make an excellent gift, although it isn't small enough that you'd be able to carry it around with you. I recommend it.