Chapter rituals contain many biblical references and Hebrew words which to most brethren and companions are quite meaningless. This book is the result of long periods of research over a wide field into the biblical source and Hebrew origin of many of these words. The author shows the strong connections between the marginal notes of the Geneva Bibles and their influence on the work of the early Masonic compilers and writers. None of the terms are in any way treated in context but all are brought under scholarly scrutiny regarding their use in the Bible text and the probable object in their Masonic appearance.
Such words as Mahabone, Giblim, Rabboni and expressions such as Ammi Ruhamah and I am That I am are all examined in depth from their early appearances and their alternative forms. The application of certain phrases to denote Trinitarianism is well reasoned and ably supported. With illustrations to supply useful visual aid, this whole exercise is one of intense interest and fascination.