Canonbury Papers Vol 4: Seeking the Light - Freemasonry and Initiation
The present volume of The Canonbury Papers is the fourth in a series of publications produced for the Canonbury Masonic Research Centre (CMRC) containing the papers delivered at the annual international conferences held at the Canonbury Tower, Islington, London.
This volume contains eleven papers that were presented at the seventh conferenceheld on 5 & 6 November 2005 on the broad theme of 'Seeking the Light:Freemasonry & Initiatic Traditions'. It includes, in addition, an extended Foreword by Professor Andrew Prescott that sets the papers in a broader academic context.
These Canonbury Papers are representative of a broad range of new British, European and American research into the many historical and structural aspects of the phenomenon of Initiation within both Freemasonry and related cultural traditions. As with those in earlier volumes, these papers will provide a significant contribution to the development of masonic historiography.