Quatuor Coronati Correspondence Circle official Cufflink Set made exquisitely for QCCC North American members with an exclusive arrangement between the QC, the world's premiere research lodge and Macoy, America's oldest Masonic Publisher & Masonic Supply Company.
To become a member of the QCCC click on this link (YOU WILL LEAVE MACOY.COM)
Quatuor Coronati is the world’s premier research lodge. Established in 1884 (and consecrated in 1886), the lodge’s founders wished to advance an evidence-based approach to study Masonic history and research the origins of Freemasonry. Their approach was intended to replace the more imaginative writings of earlier authors and was later referred to as the ‘authentic school’ of Masonic research.
Quatuor Coronati adopts the same principles today.
- We hold meetings incorporating lectures five times a year at Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London;
- publish our lectures, other research papers and ‘notes & queries’ annually in Ars Quatuor Coronatorum – ‘AQC’, the Transactionsof the Lodge, which is distributed internationally;
- arrange conferences and symposia on different aspects of Freemasonry and Masonic research; and
- share our work with and encourage research via the Quatuor Coronati Correspondence Circle.
The QC Correspondence Circle is an international community. Whether you are based in North or South America, the UK, Europe, Africa, Asia or Australasia, we would be delighted if you would like to become involved with Quatuor Coronati. The first step is to join the Correspondence Circle which is open to everyone interested in Masonic research or historical research more broadly.
Special Events in 2018:
Thursday, 15 February 2018: ‘1717 and All That‘ – another exceptional event for your diary. QC is hosting a Symposium to discuss differing perspectives on the foundation of the Grand Lodge of London & Westminster – later the Grand Lodge of England – and the nature of the evidence for and against the conventional date of its emergence. Professors Andrew Prescott & Susan Sommers will argue the case that the Grand Lodge was not formed in 1717 but 1721, and John Hamill & Dr Ric Berman will contend that the traditional date remains correct. Attendees who wish to speak from the floor are invited to email the chairman of the Symposium, Emeritus Professor Aubrey Newman, at new@le.ac.uk. The Symposium is open to all, masons and non-masons alike; we plan to start in the early afternoon at 2.00 pm at Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London. The event will conclude with an informal gathering for drinks/supper. You can register your intention to attend at 1717@quatuorcoronati.com (which allows us to gauge numbers) or simply turn up on the day.
14-16 September 2018: QC Conference – ‘Freemasons in the Transatlantic World’
Our 2018 conference will be held from 14-16 September 2018 at the magnificent George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria, VA, a unique and wonderful venue just over the river from Washington DC. The focus is on the first century of freemasonry in America and the Caribbean. QCCC members obtain preferential booking and discounted entry. Click here to see the Conference Brochure.
This is an outstanding event for those who wish to gain a greater understanding of the beginnings of American freemasonry, network with QC/QCCC members including Brent Morris, Arturo de Hoyos, Andreas Önnerfors, James Campbell and Ric Berman, and hear from and debate with world-class speakers. Attendees can also hear a ‘behind the scenes’ report on and see highlights of the Tercentenary Celebration at the Royal Albert Hall; attend a demonstration lodge explaining the differences between English and American ritual; explore the Memorial; and join us for a celebration dinner.