RA Member certificate. Give to your Royal Arch Members under General Grand Chapter rather than under a State. Printed in Red. 14 X 20
Average rating 2 out of 10
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review )

Print to fine
I ordered one of these for the chapter, when we received it, no one could read the print because it was faded and printed very poorly. After calling the company, all I was told is that they just printed these and will not be printing more until the stocks go low. If this is the type of product that will be produced, the stock might never get low. My chapter was planning on ordering 10, but after looking at what we got, we will stay with Staples for for. The company didn't even offer a refund for the poor services. I do apologize this has happened. Please contact me by email and I will look into correcting this for you. Thank you and I do again apologize. Hope Lindsey Office Manager hlindsey@macoy.com