Walkes has done a magnificent job. The book is abrasive. In many respects it is controversial. To those closed minds it will be offensive. But, to the thinking men, both black and white, it will be a revelation," says JeMarsengill in describing Prince Hall Masonic Quiz book. A Macoy Published Book. ISBN 9780880530859 Prince Hall Mason Joseph Walkes covers his topics with chapter titles that include: Prince Hall and African Lodge, The Formation of the Prince Hall Grand Lodges, The Phylaxis Society.
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good historical information, limited to 1983 status of PHA
my only drawback to this book is that since it was published in 1983, there have been more developments in American freemasonry, mainly the MUTUAL recognition of PHA & State Grand Lodges in a majority of the country, as well as both sides re establishing their relationships with the UGLE. otherwise, it's a great historical resource. This book gives a good history of the beginnings and development of PHA masonry in America. It shows many of the contradictions and poor excuses used by the state GLs at the time to deny Black men's membership, and then attempts to discredit them when they went to the source and did it themselves.