Michael Schiavello is a best-selling author, international television broadcaster and awardwinning writer.
He is a 32nd Degree Mason of the Scottish Rite and a recipient of the degrees of the York Rite, including Mark Mason, Holy Royal Arch and Knights Templar Degrees.
Michael is the author of the 1999 non-fiction best seller, Bouncer! Real Life Stories (Lothian Books, 20,000 copies sold in Australia). Former editor of Australasia's largest sports and lifestyle publishing house (Blitz Publications), he has been published in more than 50 magazines worldwide.
A long-serving television sports broadcaster, Michael commentated the 2006 Commonwealth Games and the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008. He has commentated sports events in over 20 countries and the host of The Voice Versus CableFax Award nominated show on American cable network, AXS TV.
Michael holds a Certificate in Masonic Education from the Victorian Lodge of Research.
Michael has been profiled in Freemasonry Victoria magazine (article entitled The Voice of Freemasonry, June 2014 edition). His Masonic writing has featured in various Masonic Trestle Boards and he has delivered lectures on topics of Masonic symbolism at lodges in Australia and the United States. He is the Worshipful Master of Daylite Lodge No. 44 in Las Vegas, USA.

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The best book on Freemasonry I have ever read, and I have read most of them. Phenomenal insight into Masonic symbols and their application. Opened my eyes to our symbols and their true meaning and uses. Every Mason (and non Mason) needs to read this book.