Freemason Apron. A Macoy Staff Favorite Past Master or Officer Apron. It is white satin with satin lining. Royal blue, aLL wHITE, or Purple embroidery, trim and fringe. Embroidered eye on flap, wreath design with emblem on body. Satin Ribbon Trim with embroidered vinework. Side tabs with Vinework and Braid. You can also choose how to attach to the waist.
Average rating 10 out of 10
( based on 1
review )

Past Master of Valdez Lodge #4
This is an excellent Apron. I have had this one since 1989 and it still looks like brand new. The tassels are White leather backed, satin fronts with blue fringe & white accents. The PM emblem is beautiful, as is the entire Apron front & back. My Info is embroidered under the flap in yellow. Best quality apron I have ever seen. I have visited Many Lodges in Alaska & the lower "48" states and have never seen one so ornate. Every time that I wear it I receive positive comments from many of my brothers.